One of the great things about working at a consultancy is that I get to meet a wide range of interesting clients with interesting problems that need solving. One of the most interesting for me was Pulse Camp 1.0, a 3 day event to start defining a system framework that can help NGOs and other groups make better informed decisions based on real-time data.

The UN Global Pulse initiative is in the early stages of development but the excitement, participation and drive I experienced at Pulse Camp 1.0 fills me with hope that this ambitious program of work will be successful.

Pulse Camp 1.0 closed with speeches from the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon and the supporters of Random Hacks of Kindness. The speeches marked the end of the Pulse Camp and the start of the RHoK. RHoK is an open global event that matches people with ideas that can improve our world with people who can help create the software make those changes.

Details of the Pulse Camp 1.0 can be found at and ongoing work is being captured here